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Centre of Excellence in Epigenetics

CoEE Phase II

In the second phase of the CoEE (2016-2021), we will focus on significant leads obtained during the first phase. These will be in the field of neurobiology and behavior, to address key biological questions in epigenetic regulation especially focused on stem cell biology and effects that perpetuate over lifetime. We wish to further exploit our collaborative research on effect of early life stress, neurogenesis and epigenetic regulation of key genes essential for complex brain functions.

Collaborator CoEE Phase II

 Vidita Vaidya (TIFR)


CoEE Phase I


The Centre of Excellence in Epigenetics (CoEE) at IISER Pune funded by the Department of Biotechnology with Prof. Galande as the team leader. During the first phase (2010-2015), the centre successfully catalyzed networking of diverse biologists making use of the knowledge and techniques of epigenetics. The vision for the Centre of Excellence in Epigenetics at IISER Pune was to build upon an interdisciplinary synergy, by bringing together a group of established as well as young investigators with individual competences and expertise in diverse fields including Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, Molecular Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Neurobiology, Genomics, Computational and Systems Biology to formulate and to test a set of novel and exciting hypothesis in the field of Epigenetics. In particular, the centre was focused on epigenetic modifications underlying variety of biologically important phenomena and their role in gene expression, regeneration, cancer, behavior, aging and evolution.

Recently, the repertoire of model systems used in Galande laboratory has been expanded to enable addressing specific questions in epigenetic regulation.  Thus, the centre has now employed a wide spectrum of model systems such as Hydra,  Drosophila and Zebrafish in addition to mouse and human cells. Using these, we are actively engaged in addressing the following:

To understand the principles and mechanisms of evolution of epigenetic regulation.

1. To decipher the epigenetic regulation of regeneration using Hydra as model system.

2. To employ genetic, biochemical, molecular and computational approaches to investigate complex and dynamic processes including transcription, gene regulation, cell proliferation, self-renewal, regeneration and interrelationships between these processes.


3. To understand the role of chromatin organizer and global regulator SATB1 in Wnt signaling during early development and in tumorigenesis.


4. To study the dynamics of epigenetic modifications in human cells and uncover its potential association with environment and complex human diseases.

Collaborators of CoEE Phase I

•Epigenetics of regeneration in Hydra

 Surendra Ghaskadbi (ARI Pune)

•Role of global regulator SATB1 as a mediator of Wnt signaling

 Rakesh Mishra (CCMB, Hyderabad); LS Shashidhara (IISER, Pune)

•Evolution of epigenetic mechanisms

 LS Shashidhara (IISER, Pune)

•Epigenetic dynamics in cell types and its potential association with environment and disease

Rakesh Mishra (CCMB, Hyderabad)Sanjeev Khosla (CDFD, Hyderabad)Riitta Lahesmaa (Turku Centre for Biotechnology, Finland)

•Epigenetics of behavior

 Vidita Vaidya (TIFR)Arvind Kumar (CCMB, Hyderabad)

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